George white dress shirt / grey & black leopard print sleeveless shirt / ponytail / pink round earrings / white giraffe earrings
I wanted to wear something that looked cool & casual, but also had fun wildlife safari vibes. The outfit was monotone in blacks, greys, & whites, with a surprise touch of pink.
Special Effects Red Ombre Hair
Special Effects red ombre curls / grey & yellow Batman shirt
Special Effects red ombre curls / floral + black sweater
These photos are from a time I dip-dyed the ends of my hair red with Special Effects Nuclear Red hair dye. It was winter, so I am also seen wearing an awesome cozy floral sweater & a Batman t-shirt.
I’m pretty sure I wore this one to go to the local ice cream parlor & to do some shopping. It had cool casual vibes to it, & anything is better with tiny cupcake earrings. Also, I love the round silver earrings with “HAPPY” embossed in them.
pink v-neck t-shirt / floral print skater skirt / pink, white, & blue polka dot socks from Michaels / clear glitter jelly shoes / moonstone heart charm necklace (moonstone charm from Etsy) / sparky black hair bow / old watch / bright pink lipsticks / cherry earrings / diamond earrings
I think this outfit had the perfect mixture of classic style (a skirt, the old leather watch, hair bow) & cool funky pattern & color combinations (polka dots + floral, blue, pink). I love my moonstone necklace, & the jelly shoes are an awesome thing to add to pretty much any outfit.
Galaxy Eyelids
I made layers of various shades of purple & blue eye shadow, then drew the dots for stars with silver glitter eyeliner that I bought at Claire’s.
George white dress shirt / galaxy leggings / combat boots from Walmart / blue nail polish / galaxy eyelids / ponytail / “HAPPY” earrings
This is the outfit I wore with the above “Galaxy Eyelids”. I LOL now seeing my old pair of combat boots, which I had before I bought the Doc Martens I have now. Gotta love all things galaxy print though.
Pineapple & Ponytail
pineapple print t-shirt / ponytail
My hair is always cool & curly.
Red Flannel
red flannel shirt / bun / everyday makeup
My favorite red flannel shirt + a sleek bun.
Legwarmers & Floral Shirt
floral button up collared shirt from thrift store / shorts / grey legwarmers / black & white Converse-style tennis shoes / old watch with leather strap / tiny cupcake earrings / winged eyeliner / silver round earrings
Black & White Plaid shirt from Joe Boxer / sparkly black headband / round glitter earrings / pale purple round earrings / minor makeup / ponytail
The first time I wore this black & white plaid shirt that I bought at K-Mart, I fell in love with how it fit me & how nice it looked on me. It was very comfortable, & I liked how the whole outfit looked with my hair pulled back & this yellow wall at the theatre.
Because I was wearing such exaggerated, dramatic makeup, I couldn’t help but make a humorously dramatic face as I took this selfie. I like how the bright blue of the sweater looks with the red of the lipstick, & even a less dramatic green eye shadow could look nice in a different version of this outfit. The cream dress shirt also matched it nicely.
These photos were taken the day after I colored my hair with the Schwarzkopf Ruby Noir 1.8 dye that I bought. It’s my favorite hair color that I’ve used, & using it was also the first time I’ve applied hair dye to all of my hair & not just the ends. I’m squinting & making weird faces because the sun was in my eyes. I colored my hair probably almost two months ago & it still is visible in my hair, which makes me happy. It didn’t dry out my hair, & I’m really pleased with its quality.
Doc Martens / blue jeans / red plaid shirt / white camisole / multicolored headband / blue crystal earrings
I liked the rustic workman look of this outfit. I used to dress like this a lot when I was in my Bob Dylan phase. I still like how it looks, & adding Doc Martens to this type of ensemble just makes it even more epic & badass. For a funky, unexpected touch, I wore a great multi-colored headband that technically belongs to my sister,
Kawaii Eggs
white t-shirt with pocket / cute kawaii egg earrings from Claire’s, multicolored headband / ponytail
I wore this outfit when I went shopping & then to a carnival. The shirt kept me cooler in the sun than a darker one would have, the headband & ponytail kept my hair out of my eyes, & the egg earrings added a touch of funkiness.
More Egg Earrings
Pink t-shirt from Target / cute kawaii egg earrings from Claire’s / minimal makeup
An outfit involving the same adorable egg earrings from the previous photo, along with one of my favorite shirts. A nice simple everyday outfit.
Yellow + Stripes
Yellow t-shirt from Target / gray & white striped shorts from Target / cute rainbow monsters with wings earrings from Claire’s / blue star stud earrings from Claire’s / black heeled jelly shoes / sloth socks from Target
I really liked how this whole outfit came out. It had lots of colorful, bold elements, like stripes, the bright yellow, & black shoes, as well as lots of whimsical, funky elements, like the sloth socks, the fact that the shoes are jelly shoes, & the rainbow monster earrings. These photos also show how nicely my red hair color faded & still remains visible even now.
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★ Walk On – U2. I love this song for so many reasons, but probably my favorite line in the song? “What you got, they can’t steal it. No they can’t even feel it.” They can’t take anything away from you. They cannot confine you. You can leave them behind. You are not trapped.
★ Sweet Thing – Van Morrison. A beautiful epiphany in a song. The multi-layered instrumentation is phenomenal & magical & perfect. Soaring flutes. The tender melody & lyrics. Ebullient guitar. One of my all time favorite songs.
★ You Still Believe In Me – The Beach Boys. The comforting knowledge that even after everything that has happened or will happen, that there is a constant person who has your back & will believe in you, no matter what.
★ Crowded House. I started listening to more Crowded House recently. The song that made me start loving their music was Archer’s Arrows (which is a phenomenal & fantastic song). Then I heard Don’t Dream It’s Over (see below), & fell in love with that too. I haven’t heard that many songs of theirs yet, but I’ve liked what I’ve heard so far. Their songs are very aesthetically pleasing, & very atmospheric. They’re the kind of songs I would like to work into a variety of playlists.
★ Vanilla Talenti Gelato. Seriously. Try this with rainbow sprinkles. It’s seriously THE BEST. Rainbow sprinkles make good things even better. Gelato somehow always manages to taste elegant & make you feel elegant while you’re eating it. I also love Talenti, because they keep their ingredients simple & to the point, & produce an awesome product. Fun fact : my father usually refers to my Gelato as “ice cream”, a term which I don’t think encompasses the awesomeness & quality of Gelato.
★ Ducktrap Smoked Salmon & Ducktrap Smoked Trout. I am a huge fan of smoked fish. A huge fan. Their smoked salmon with dill is AMAZING, & I am so in love right now with their smoked trout, which I just recently tried. The smoked trout tastes like a combination between fresh smoked herring fillets and smoked salmon. One thing I love about both the smoked trout & the smoked salmon is that the fillets of them are nice, thick, & wholesome, which is even better than the thin fillets more commonly found. Also, I want to put dill on everything now. I recently made homemade guacamole with dill in it, & it was great.
★ 10 Really Easy Ways to Love Yourself More Today. As always, Gala Darling has a lovely, illuminating, magical list. I especially like Point #8, about liking what you like & not liking things just because they’re popular.
★ Jamming Baby Owls. BABY OWLS DANCING. Owls are the best thing ever.
★ John Owen-Jones Singing “Who Am I?” From Les Miserables. I love this song with a passion, & John Owen-Jones is the very best at singing it. He fills it with an emotion & evocative vulnerability that I haven’t heard in other renditions of the song. It is the most real, honest version, & because of this, a favorite.
★ Colorful socks inside my awesome sparkly jelly shoes. Right now, I am especially loving my photo print strawberry socks, but since I bought the jelly shoes, I have bought a lot of cute, colorful novelty socks, just for wearing inside my jelly shoes.
★ My canvas medic bag. I wear this bag in a lot of the fashion photos I take, & it’s my go-to bag for everyday usage. Ever since my Indiana Jones phase as a teen, I wanted a bag like this. I finally found one which appropriately matches the one in the films. I love it because it is sturdy, holds a lot of stuff, is comfortable & easy to wear, & just looks cool. Looking cool is the primary reason. It adds a ruggedness & uniqueness to any outfit I add it to.
★ Knee Socks with Jelly Shoes or Combat Boots. I will be posting photos of this combination soon, but it looks tough but feminine at the same time, & also allows me to include the edginess of combat boots while still showing off all my cool, patterned knee socks.
★ Laying on the floor with my dog & playing fetch with him when I get home from work. He looks forward to this, & would seriously play for hours on end if I didn’t get tired of throwing his toys for him.
★ Learning how to drive. I didn’t learn when I was younger because I had no need to, but I’m learning now, & it’s going great!
★ Earning my GED & passing all the subjects the first time around. I got honors on Reasoning Through Language Arts and in Social Studies, & was one point away from honors in Science. This was something I’d wanted to do for a long time, & I’m so proud of myself for accomplishing this goal.
★ “When nothing is sure, everything is possible.” ― Margaret Drabble. Embrace the confusion. Now that you have nothing to lose & maybe nothing to prove, you can do anything. Now that you’re confused & uncertain & scared of the changes going on around you, you can turn this into anything. You have a blank canvas from which you can paint & create & shape into whatever feels best for you.
Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links to products that I recommend. When you click on an affiliate link to a product on an external website, I will recieve compensation if you buy something. Thank you for your support.
★ You And I – Queen. I’ve always loved this song & recently rediscovered it. The feel of this song is really great, & it’s one of the most underrated Queen songs. I remember walking around my house a few years back, listening to this song loudly through earbuds.
★ Just What I Needed – The Cars. Perfect song feel + great harmonies + evocative lyrics + reminds me of good times. For when you find what you’ve been looking for all along, for when you finally know you’re in the right place.
★ Lays Dill Pickle potato chips. They are probably my favorite flavor of chip right now. My dad thinks they taste weird but I personally find them good & interesting. Now thinking about it, next time I buy some, I’d love to dip them in ranch.
★ Emerald Dill Pickle cashews. Are you seeing a theme of my current obsession with pickle flavored snacks? Good, because there is. That, along with my love of putting mayonnaise & hot sauce on a variety of foods, & anything chili lime flavored. Back to the dill pickle cashews, they have enough pickle flavor but not to the point that you can’t taste the cashews, or that it’s overpowering. I definitely want to try more flavors of Emerald nuts.
★ Granny Smith apples. A lot of kinds of apples taste similar to me, & while I enjoy them, Granny Smiths have a super-great flavor & don’t cost too much per pound. When I buy apples, I always buy apples individually as opposed to in a bag, because I find the apples to be fresher & less bruised, & generally taste better. Apples are great because they’re so easy to wash off & throw in a sandwich bag for a nice addition to lunch at work.
★ Popular Mechanics Magazine. I just subscribed to this because I wanted a good magazine about cars & technology & fixing stuff, etc, & when I saw it on Amazon for a $5 one year subscription, I was thrilled. I got the first issue the other day & haven’t really got a chance to read much of it, but from what I’ve read so far, IT IS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR. I am only a few pages into it & I’ve already learned so much. It seems to have information on so many interesting topics.
★ To be honest, I’ve probably read less books this year than any other year of my life. This is a fact that I’m ashamed of, & really am going to change in the near future. I used to always have my library card maxed out with books on pretty much every topic, & would read several books (depending on length) per week, or at the very least, there was always something I was reading. Unfortunately, as my schedule got busier, I spent less & less time reading. But the thing is, I really really love reading, & love learning / hearing interesting ideas + stories even more. So, my goal? Get back into reading (at least) one book a week, EVERY SINGLE WEEK.I want to get back into that habit, because it feels good to read a lot.
★ Clear heeled sparkly jelly shoes.I bought these on Amazon. They are very comfortable, I can actually run in them pretty well (!), & they were a great price. I love them & they’re versatile & make any outfit a little more sparkly. The size I bought was what I expected it to be, maybe a tiny bit on the loose side, but still fit well. The first day I wore them I did a lot of shopping & the shoes didn’t rub my feet at all. Also, they’re sparkly.
★ Dip-dyed red hair. I love how this looks on me, & I love the boldness of red hair. You can read about how I did it here.
★ Pearl earrings, because they’re probably the most versatile design of earring. They can look elegant & bold or simple & understated, depending on what you wear along with them. Because I have double piercings in each ear lobe, I like wearing two different sizes of pearl earrings at the same time, or wearing pearl earrings in one piercing & something more colorful & bold in the second.
★ Making a goal list at the beginning of each week & highlighting each thing when I accomplish it. I will write an article detailing my process soon, but making a weekly goal list & putting whatever I don’t accomplish one week onto next week’s list until I accomplish it has been helpful for me!
★ “You are not stuck where you are unless you decide to be.” – Wayne Dyer. Comfort. No matter how deep the trench you fell into or dug yourself into or thought was where you wanted to be might seem, it is up to you how free you are. Only up to you, all up to you. You are not stuck anywhere.
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