Written & Recorded by Ashlee Craft
Released: March 16, 2019
Duration: 3 Minutes
Tired of trying to draw illustrations in my car
When the world outside is darker than a bear cave
Tired of trying to paint my furniture in the afternoon
My Dad tells me it’s too late because it’s dark already
I think things should just stay this bright & clear
I’m so glad Daylight Savings is here
I need light so I can dance in my chicken suit in the yard
Climb trees, pet dogs, & take photos of lemons that aren’t ugly
That’s why daylight savings is better than all the rest
More light means more time to make my life all it can be, the best
Celebrate, celebrate, that great time is near!
I’m so glad daylight savings is here
Early darkness makes me frustrated, early darkness makes me bummed
I’m tired of everyone being unmotivated, edgy, & glum
Our brains were designed to need the light
So we want it back so we can feel alive & bright
It’s time to have a party
It’s time to have a party
It’s time to have a party
It’s time to have a party
Daylight Savings is back
Daylight Savings is back
The sunlight & long day are back, so have no fear
I’m so glad daylight savings is here
Yippee hooray, this is so fun, let’s cheer
I’m so glad daylight savings is here
The daylight reflects my joy like a mirror
I’m so glad daylight savings is here
I’m so glad daylight savings is here
We’re so glad daylight savings is here