A (Micro) Interview with Michael Sheen
Moles are narrow tube-shaped, furry insectivores (insect-eating animals) that are perfectly adapted to living in tunnels underground. Moles have silky fur. Most people think of mole fur as being black, but moles can also have white, cream, orange, gray, or piebald fur. Moles belong to the family “Talpidae”. Moles spend most of their day digging & hunting for food. There are a total of 42 species of moles!Learn all about moles in this fun, comprehensive book!
PUBLICATION DATE: February 21, 2019
GENRE: Juvenile Non-Fiction
SERIES: Wonderful Wildlife
Dedicated to the beautiful, painful, crazy, dark, light, pitiful, glorious, desolate, depressing, frustrating, hope-filled, stunning, confusing, joyful, lovely, uncomfortable, & radiant space between where you are were & where you want to be, & for those who are facing towards their own meadows & not towards their prior crevices. Keep heading towards the meadow.
Between the Crevice & the Meadow is a collection of 136 poems about triumph, mental health, depression, hope, & finally beginning to heal & step into the amazing future that’s available to you.
PUBLICATION DATE: October 30, 2018
GENRE: Poetry
Alive & Thriving is a collection of 57 poems by Ashlee Craft.
some morning light
I want to stand where I can
see outside into the
bright morning day that is
blooming out there not that
I’m not happy inside the cement fluorescence;
it’s better now, the light is also inside
but I still long to drop what I am doing & run out the doors into the bright fresh morning
& sit under a tree reading a book, lying on a blanket in the grass
& changing the direction of the tracks
so that I am happy right now,
not just at some undetermined point in the future
PUBLICATION DATE: April 28, 2019
GENRE: Poetry
In May of 2017, I went on a road trip that changed my life. I later dubbed it my “Epic Florida Road Trip”. It was my first vacation ever – a life-changing solo trip that took me from my home in Tampa south to the Everglades, down through the Florida Keys, Miami, & north again to St. Augustine. It lasted a week, & when I returned from it, I wasn’t the same person I’d been when I’d left. I returned with a lot of amazing, magical memories, a lot of no-see-um-bites, & a lot of stories to tell. But the biggest thing I brought back with me was a quiet, bold confidence in the knowledge that I knew how to take care of myself, knew what I needed to do to fix the problems in my life, & deep down, knew how to be happy again.These are the photos from that time.–This is book one of seven photo albums from my road trip – there is one book for each day of the trip spanning the highlight photos of the day & showing the things I did. I hope that these books feel like the kind of photo album your friend would share with you if they had gone on a vacation – honest & beautiful & joyous.
PUBLICATION DATE: April 20, 2019
GENRE: Photo Books – Florida
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