Moles are narrow tube-shaped, furry insectivores (insect-eating animals) that are perfectly adapted to living in tunnels underground. Moles have silky fur. Most people think of mole fur as being black, but moles can also have white, cream, orange, gray, or piebald fur. Moles belong to the family “Talpidae”. Moles spend most of their day digging & hunting for food. There are a total of 42 species of moles!Learn all about moles in this fun, comprehensive book!

PUBLICATION DATE: February 21, 2019
GENRE: Juvenile Non-Fiction
SERIES: Wonderful Wildlife

Available on Amazon

NEW POETRY BOOK: Between the Crevice & the Meadow

Dedicated to the beautiful, painful, crazy, dark, light, pitiful, glorious, desolate, depressing, frustrating, hope-filled, stunning, confusing, joyful, lovely, uncomfortable, & radiant space between where you are were & where you want to be, & for those who are facing towards their own meadows & not towards their prior crevices. Keep heading towards the meadow.

Between the Crevice & the Meadow is a collection of 136 poems about triumph, mental health, depression, hope, & finally beginning to heal & step into the amazing future that’s available to you.

PUBLICATION DATE: October 30, 2018
GENRE: Poetry

Kindle eBook

Blobfish (Wonderful Wildlife, Book 8) – NEW RELEASE

Blobfish (Wonderful Wildlife, Book 8) by Ashlee CraftBlobfish (Psychrolutes marcidus) are a species of fish that lives in the deep sea. They are in the family Psychrolutidae. They are famous for being pink & gelatinous looking, although they look a lot different in their deep-sea habitats than they do in the famous blobfish photograph. In 2013, Britain’s Ugly Animal Preservation Society voted the blobfish was the World’s Ugliest Animal. Learn all about them in this fun, educational book!

Publish Date :: December 29, 2017
Paperback 28 Pages
Genre :: Children’s Non-Fiction
Series :: Wonderful Wildlife

A Ship Onto a Sea of Hope – NEW RELEASE

A Ship Onto a Sea of Hope by Ashlee CraftFrom the book –

opening lines

I took the leap & the Universe followed.
I made a decision & the Universe rose up to meet me.

The bold steps I took? Spending money to get my music out there,
to start selling the things I knew I should be selling,
the bold moves in which the Universe saw
that I was exactly what I needed
& my actions proved I was ready
for greater, better things to be bestowed upon me

the bold move towards the things I’d always wanted to have?
I asked him for the keys, tentative for fear of revoking
but he willingly handed me them without argument,
& even when it seemed as though nothing would work out with it,
& I was faced with the option of losing half –
love came through & I found the love was multiplied

I took the bright step, the bold leap towards the kind of
person I always wanted to be; I showed up, & that stood for
something – & when I reached my hand out to touch the largest
beam of sunlight, it did not burn me like I feared it would,
but rather, warmed me deeply from the inside out,

exactly what I needed

A Ship Onto a Sea of Hope contains 57 poems by Ashlee Craft.

Publish Date :: December 12, 2017
Paperback 90 Pages
Genre :: Poetry

“Thanksgiving” – The Ashlee Craft Show – Episode 022 – Poetry

The “Thanksgiving” poem from Autumn (Four Seasons, #1)

It’s almost Thanksgiving! For Episode 022, in honor of an amazing fall holiday, I’m reading the poem “Thanksgiving” from my poetry book, “Autumn”. If you celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, & if you don’t celebrate it, I hope you have a wonderful holiday season in general!



thanksgiving…everybody seated around the table smiling & holding hands as snow blows around outside & lands against the windows, tender flakes gently resting on my eyebrows before melting onto my skin / in my mind, the end of fall & the beginning of winter & all the joy it brings

delicious scent of family cooking & traditions & recipes laid out on the table before me / so many good things to eat it’s hard to make my mind up & I only can enjoy so much of it tonight / apple pie & green beans & sweet potatoes & squash & stuffing & everything else delicious

& the company of family & relatives, friends held close to your heart, forever bonding / more goes through your mind as you sit there enjoying the company of those closest to you / it’s about friendship & love & warmth, like being wrapped in a warm blanket somewhere perfect & knowing that you’re safe & no matter how cold the wind blows outside the window that you are loved you are loved you are loved

everyone sharing special memories & special thoughts & special recipes & most importantly, your hearts / sharing those things dearest to you / sharing the one thing that matters most, matters more than money or gifts or promises or anything else superficial, but about time / time is the definition of love / love & time, hands entwined

sitting around the table with generation after generation, making memories to last a lifetime

FOG : A Zine

FOG: A Zine by Ashlee CraftMy camera lens fogged up one evening when I went to take a photograph of wild mushrooms that sprouted up in my yard. When I saw how the photo came out, I started taking pictures that night of a variety of things, just to see how they looked with a fogged lens. After the lens adjusted to the outdoor temperature, I breathed on it to keep it foggy & kept taking photographs. I was enthusiastically running back inside over the span of half an hour or so to gather more props, to do more experiments in how things looked in the fog. The fogginess made everything look fantastic & otherworldly & surreal & aesthetically marvelous.

The results of my photograph experiments are all contained in this book. There are four poems interspersed among the photos. The photos follow a progressive from the warm lightness of the beginning of sunset to the cool blue darkness of early twilight. The photos have not been altered in any way. How they came out is how they were taken.

The magic you see is real.

Publication Date // October 30, 2017
Paperback 63 Pages
Genre // Zines, Photography

HALLOWEEN! – The Ashlee Craft Show – Episode 019 – Poetry

I wear an owl hat & read a Halloween poem.

Episode 019, the Halloween edition of The Ashlee Craft Show. In this episode, I discuss my adorable owl Halloween costume & then read a poem from my Autumn poetry book (from the Four Seasons series) titled “Halloween”.

Autumn Poetry Book

Link to the owl hat in case you want to buy one too (not an affiliate link, FYI)



halloween night…ghosts & pumpkins & candy & witches & fall leaves blowing as wolves howl in the distance / I stand on the sidewalk & parading around me, robots & ghosts & witches & characters from books & movies surround me & run by, rambling past & free to pretend / strength of imagination granted by the fabrics & ideas run freely / pretending to be something else, if only for a day costumes galore, rampaging thru the streets & pounding on doors, asking for candy in brightly colored wrappers & racing off down the streets, bags bulging with candy & smiles filling the street lamps to the brim / harvest moon – full moon – in the magical warmth of the harvest moon in the sky & a sudden closeness to the moon crosses over me / close to the golden glow of the moon leaves rustle against the sidewalk & past the doors of the haunted house, where few dare to enter / but I see a light shining in the window & out into the street & I see that it’s not so haunted at all you can see jack-o-lanterns shining in windows & on the steps of porches / their faces, kind or frightening, mirroring & mimicking the faces in the mirror / the dim orange of their skin briefly illuminated by the flickering glow of the candles inside I walk up towards the inviting warmth of a porch & hold my bag open wide / filling it with everything good, then walking off into the golden moonlight / fulfilled & free / on this stunning October evening / Halloween night

“Simple / Dance on the Triangle” — The Ashlee Craft Show — Episode 018 — Poetry

The words sound nice together.

Episode 018: I read a poem from my 2012 poetry book, “Dancing in the Sunlight”. “Simple / Dance on the Triangle” is the name of the poem. I like how the words sound together. & I talk about my red & orange “fall leaf hair” briefly at the beginning.