Pink beverage

Week 10 was pretty good! There was a lot of stuff I didn’t get to do this week that I wanted to get done, but I still felt like I was a productive week. Looking back, I realized I actually did A LOT.
  1. Drew 1 illustration.
  2. Wrote 3 blog posts which are currently drafts until I get the photos put into them.
  3. Made 1 Facebook post.
  4. Made 3 Instagram posts.
  5. Published 1 podcast.
  6. Uploaded more files to my Google Drive so I can sort them. Sorted more of Google Drive & more of my email account.
  7. Spent a lot of time cleaning in my garage & throwing out stuff that no longer adds value to my life.
  8. Published 1 YouTube video (Episode 037 of The Ashlee Craft Show).
  9. Defined & solidified some of my new marketing & money making ideas.
  10. Wrote 9 poems.
  11. Worked a lot on my How to Grow Wheatgrass video! I started on it around three months ago & it’s totally time it was done.
  12. Networked with 1 new person
  13. Sent blog interview questions to 1 person
  14. Edited & made images for 36 slideshows that I’ll use in my 101 Ways to Love Yourself Udemy course
  15. Practiced guitar on three days. I slacked off big time towards the end of the week but I had other things I prioritized higher.
  16. Bought some more enamel pins for my pin collection fromĀ NatelleDrawsStuff, one of my favorite pin designers!
  17. Figured out more of who I want to be.
  18. Made list of important ideas to me right now.
  19. Sent illustration/comic to Campbell’s Soup regarding my idea for them & to get more exposure for my illustrations.
  20. Decided to pursue illustrating more & make more money from it. Came up with a lot of good marketing ideas to not only become a craftsman at it but also get people interested in them.
  21. Watched some good movies, made lemon balm tea for the first time from the lemon balm plant on my porch, weighed my pet geckos for the first time (harder than it sounds!).
  22. Signed up for Fiverr as part of my marketing plan for my illustrations! I still need to get my profile set up, but the first step is done.
  23. Looked into becoming a vendor & getting my art on products from one of my favorite online stores. I will pick some samples to email them soon!
  24. Slacked on the exercise big time. Actually, I didn’t do very well with any of the health-related goals. This will DEFINITELY change in the upcoming week & I will get back on track.