What I did in Week 11 (March 11–17) to make 2018 AWESOME.
Week 11 turned out to be a great week! I did a lot of awesome things, made a TON of art, & got a huge number of things done. I’m proud of how productive I was this week!
- Made & published 3 YouTube videos (Episode 038 of The Ashlee Craft Show, How to Grow Wheatgrass, Bearded Dragons). Launched a new YouTube show called “The Feel-Good Life with Ashlee Craft”. Finally published my video about how to grow wheatgrass, which I’ve been working on off & on for the past few months!
- Spent a LOT of time cleaning & getting rid of unneeded things in my garage to become more of a minimalist. Found a ton of stuff to donate to the Veterans Administration.
- Wrote 13 poems.
- Edited 15 slideshows that I’ll use for my Udemy course based on my 101 Ways to Love Yourself book. Done with Round 2 edits!
- Followed Tony Robbins on LinkedIn so I can fill my feed with even more good insights.
- Edited 3 blog articles for future publication.
- Drew 2 illustrations & 7 designs (including one I’m donating to a local charity if they choose to use it).
- Took a TON of photos for the film photography book I’m working on about buildings in my area.
- Wrote 4 blog articles.
- Published 1 blog post.
- Made 3 Instagram posts.
- Finished reading Be Obsessed or Be Average by Grant Cardone & The Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton. Started reading a book about bears.
- Bought three copies of one of my books to give to a local store for free so they can test the market & then order more copies. I will deliver the copies to them in the next week or two!
- Sent blog interview questions to one more person & wrote a review for someone’s book.
- Bought shorts to make demo version of fashion design I’m working on so I can send it to my favorite brand!
- Added 3 new designs of posters & t-shirts to shop.ashleecraft.com. Posted 2 more additional products. Renewed eBay listings!
- Sent out an email newsletter.
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