What I did in Week 11 (March 11–17) to make 2018 AWESOME.

Week 11 turned out to be a great week! I did a lot of awesome things, made a TON of art, & got a huge number of things done. I’m proud of how productive I was this week!

  1. Made & published 3 YouTube videos (Episode 038 of The Ashlee Craft Show, How to Grow Wheatgrass, Bearded Dragons). Launched a new YouTube show called “The Feel-Good Life with Ashlee Craft”. Finally published my video about how to grow wheatgrass, which I’ve been working on off & on for the past few months!
  2. Spent a LOT of time cleaning & getting rid of unneeded things in my garage to become more of a minimalist. Found a ton of stuff to donate to the Veterans Administration.
  3. Wrote 13 poems.
  4. Edited 15 slideshows that I’ll use for my Udemy course based on my 101 Ways to Love Yourself book. Done with Round 2 edits!
  5. Followed Tony Robbins on LinkedIn so I can fill my feed with even more good insights.
  6. Edited 3 blog articles for future publication.
  7. Drew 2 illustrations & 7 designs (including one I’m donating to a local charity if they choose to use it).
  8. Took a TON of photos for the film photography book I’m working on about buildings in my area.
  9. Wrote 4 blog articles.
  10. Published 1 blog post.
  11. Made 3 Instagram posts.
  12. Finished reading Be Obsessed or Be Average by Grant Cardone & The Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton. Started reading a book about bears.
  13. Bought three copies of one of my books to give to a local store for free so they can test the market & then order more copies. I will deliver the copies to them in the next week or two!
  14. Sent blog interview questions to one more person & wrote a review for someone’s book.
  15. Bought shorts to make demo version of fashion design I’m working on so I can send it to my favorite brand!
  16. Added 3 new designs of posters & t-shirts to shop.ashleecraft.com. Posted 2 more additional products. Renewed eBay listings!
  17. Sent out an email newsletter.