You Will Be More Than Okay – The Ashlee Craft Show – Episode 043 – Poetry

I read a comforting, motivational poem from A Thousand Cranes, Volume 10, titled “You Will Be More Than Okay”.




I know you are afraid of being broken;

that there is something wrong with you for feeling like this

you’re afraid that you will never really know what it’s like to be happy;

but you will be more than okay
you’re afraid that you will always be lonely;

the darkness comes around & tries to suffocate you still from time to time

but look how it’s so much better than it used to be;

you are going to be more than okay
the night isn’t quite as dark as it seems;

stars twinkle, stars shine, the moon is your mother watching down over you

night music of crickets; the whole night is there to comfort you;

you will be more than okay
look how much stronger you are now: a year makes such a difference;

& look how strong you are becoming even though you always thought yourself weak

you did the impossible, all along you had it inside of you;

& you are going to be more than okay
the sharks are sleeping in their beds; the night is illuminated by candles;

you do not walk alone; you believe now that you deserve real & lasting happiness

there is nothing for you to fear – you are the captain of your soul, you can do this –

take comfort & know
you are going to be more than okay