What I did the week of May 20 – 26 to make my life AWESOME.

jill111 / Pixabay
- Published 2 YouTube videos.
- Painted the rest of the illustrations for my Perfect Day book.
- Finished the first round of edits on my Epic Florida Road Trip Book! Started round 2 of edits.
- Improved my morning routine.
- Made 3 Instagram posts.
- Thought about & brainstormed how to be more of a giver in business.
- Published 1 blog post!
- Finished reading Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly & Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. Began reading Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking (not a smoker, but I’ve heard it’s an amazing book about understanding addiction in a general sense).
- Drew 1 new design.
- Committed to changing my life for real, because I’m fed up with things always being the same.
- Moved forward in my shorts I am designing.
- Looked into how to make my sticker app work because the Bundle ID allegedly doesn’t match (any ideas on how to fix this would be AWESOME!)
- Worked on new gift box product.
- Made a new, much more inspiring goal list for this year.
- Connected with 2 new people!
- Went blackberry picking with my mom at Bob’s Blueberry/Blackberry Farm in Hudson, FL! It was so much fun & the blackberries were DELICIOUS!
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