What I did the week of April 8 – 14 to make my life awesome.

manfredrichter / Pixabay
- Published 2 YouTube videos (an episode of The Ashlee Craft Show & the first video in my Produce Exploration series, about Rome Apples). Made video intro for Produce Exploration show.
- Learned & did tons of research on dropshipping. Brainstormed a ton of ideas about things I want to try with this & new ideas for products. Read the Shopify dropshipping guide.
- Made list of companies I can do illustrations for.
- Made 1 new design
- Ordered the free Shopify card chip reader that plugs into your phone so soon I can sell things in person & not just online.
- Wrote & published 1 blog post.
- Connected with 1 new person!
- Made 4 Instagram posts.
- Added 24 new products to SHOP Ashlee Craft & released 1 new design on Society6.
- Sent out one marketing newsletter to my email list.
- Planned a new book I’m working on.
- Bought another awesome enamel pin from PinPartyPost for my enamel pin collection.
- Made 1 art collage.
- Sent an illustration to one person I want to connect with to add value to them & sent them a friend request.
- Bought some stuff I needed in order to make some new products I’ll be releasing soon!
- Saw Jimmy Buffet + The Eagles concert at Camping World Stadium in Orlando, FL.
- Cleaned a lot in my house to get closer to my minimalism goals, including 85+ books to donate.
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